Gerty is much improved this week. Her wounds are healing and she is getting up and down better and even trotting over to her feeder in the mornings. (In case you missed the post about what happened, you can read about it here)
You can see the areas on her side where they shaved her...the worst of the wounds is on her rear end where they stitched her up. Poor girl! We have to give her twice daily shots of penicillen for another week. She has decided she is not very fond of them and so now we have a twice daily rodeo... Lee holds her against the fence while she tries to drag him around the pen and I take aim with the needle and hope we get it done in 8 seconds. Ha! Seriously though, she is starting to run when she sees me, so I've been bribing her before and after with sweet feed.

"What is that you have behind your back????"
We did find the owner of at least one of the dogs. We made a report with Animal Control and they are supposed to be handling it from here. Hopefully that owner will be held responsible for our vet bill. They should be, but sometimes things just don't work out like they should... I am just glad that Gerty is healing up and that she is still with us! It could have turned out much worse...
I'm glad to here she is healing up!
I love goats!
Glad to hear Gerty is go girl!
Gertie looks like a very resilient goat - so glad to hear she's on the mend.
Glad to hear Gerty is on the mend! What a cutie she is!
My father-in-law used to raise pigmy goats and his last one just died a month ago....was best friend to our miniature horse. You do get so attached to them. Our daughter delivered the one that just died because she had the smallest hands to reach in and pull out a breach! We named her Lucky because she was lucky to be born at all. She lived a good long life. So glad Gertie is going to be O.K. Justice should be done but you have a good attitude if it doesn't turn out the way you think!
So very glad she is doing better!! Big goaty hugs to her!!! Sarah
Glad to hear your goat girl is on the mend! :)
Glad she getting better!
By the way, YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!! Go to to find out what to do. Have fun!
I love dogs. I absolutely hate the stupid people that have them and don't care for or about them. These are the poor dogs that cause harm to others.
Poor Gerty; you know she was terrified. I'm glad she's ok and is healing. Yes, you're going to have to bribe her big time for a while.
And I know you may not want to, but you can take the owner to small claims court for the vet bill. Of course, if he's that much of a jerk, he might retaliate in some way. I'm always suspicious of people like that.
Well hello. I came across your blog while on Not quite home on the range. Why have I not been here sooner? I see some of my friends follow you? AH ha they are trying to keep you all to themselves!lol.Great blog you have here. I too live in Az! We are neighbors! I am unsure where Vail is? I will have to ask my Cowboy when he gets home. Nice to meet you, and I am glad to see your goat is doing better. I hope the dogs owners pay your vet bill. They should.
Looks like Gerty is trying to smile but knows something is fishy and won't quite commit to showing her pearly whites!
I'm glad she is feelin' better. In the face, she really reminds me of one of my sister's goats, Walter!!
Good to hear that Gerty is mending well. And I hope that you can get some restitution from the dog owners.
I so glad that Gerty is healing. We are all too familiar with irresponsible pet owners. I remember as a girl visiting my grandparents in Louisiana, We would play in the cotton fields. We could hear a horrible noise off in the distance. My dad came out of the house and screamed at us kid to run as fast as we could to the house. Just as we hit the porch a pack of wild dogs emerged from the cotton. They would have killed us. There is nothing more scary and sad than a domestic pet that has had to revert to hunting to survive. I hope this is not the problem you are having at your home.
Glad to hear she is mended enough to be misbehave'n !
I won't even start about irresponsible pet owners.
Oh the poor thing!! :( Glad she is getting better!
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