~~~Thanks to everyone who responded and snagged a pair of my Cowgirl Flops for my very special summertime price!~~ Yee haa cowgirls, you got yourselves a deal. :) If you missed grabbing a pair for yourself, you can now find select styles in my
Etsy shop. ~~~
Normally, my feet never see the light of day. I have a closet full of boots and my feet are usually in a pair. Except in the summer. I love to go barefoot and have been known to go out and clean the stalls with a pair of flip flops on! (Kinda gross, I know..)

I love the cute cowgirl flip flops I've been seeing in catalogs and online. Of course, being the crafty person I am, I said, "Hey, I can make those". So I did. I made myself a pair. And then I got on a roll and made half a dozen other pairs in various sizes. Initially I thought I would put them in my Etsy shop, but changed my mind. I sent a pair to my friend in New York as a birthday gift. And I have 6 pairs left. What to do with them?
Well.... if you are anything like me, you love these little cuties but don't want to pay the cute pricetag that usually comes with them! So here is what I am going to do. I am going to offer these "Cowgirl Flops" to you, my blog pals, at what it cost me to make them (plus $3 shipping added in to each price). Such a deal!
Here's what I'm offering (please excuse the less than fabulous pics - the crystals really ARE bright and sparkly, they just don't show in the pics!):
Brown cowgirl flops with purple Swarovski crystals and brown cross conchos~$24.00~ (size 9) ***SOLD***

Black cowgirl flops with pink Swarovski crystals and coordinating heart and horseshoe conchos ~$28.00~ (size 8) ***SOLD***

Brown cowgirl flops with pinkish-orange Swarovski crystals and coordinating square star and steerhead conchos~$25.00~ (size 9) **SOLD**

Black cowgirl flops accented with clear AB and jet black Swarovski crystals and a silver floral concho ~$23.00~ (size 9) ***SOLD***

Brown cowgirl flops with brown and clear Swarovski crystals and AB crystal star conchos~$27.00~ (size 7) **SOLD**

Black cowgirl flops with light sapphire Swarovski crystals and heart conchos~$23.00~ (size 7) **SOLD**

Treat yourselves cowgirls! If you see a pair you can't live without, send me an e-mail (link at top left of my blog) and I'll send you an invoice through PayPal or we can work out another payment method.
Happy Summer everyone!
Just sent you an email - these are wonderful! I hope the size 8s aren't already spoken for.
BTW, I wore your earrings to the Carrizozo Cowboy days event. You can see them...sort of...in the last picture of my post today.
Nice little shoes! If only it could be a very nice warm day here in IL for me to wear some, haha.
So cute! I have seen some of these "cowgirl style" flip flops on certain websites, Yes, they can be aweful pricey. I guess the best time to stock up on them is end of season--so you can make a few for next summer. Of course, flip flops and cowgirls never go out of style!!!! P.S. Kudos to you for taking a picture of your feet and putting them on your blog...That is being really brave!!! It's something not everyone would do, including me.
Cool flip flops!
I live in Tevas in the summer; when I'm not barefoot. Your feet look awful clean to be barefootin'!
You're sooo clever & talented. You have nice feet too. ;o)
I need a pair of those...do you ship to Canada?
I have a simular pair...(yes for that high price) that I wear ALL the time!!! Whoever gets them will be sooooo happy with them!
I love them! I love the top pair, the brown with purple crystals, but I would want pink crystals, but I don't wear a size 9. Do you take special orders? I am sending you an email!
Too cute! You are so creative. I just saw those flip flops (w/out your embellishments, of course!) at Target the other day.
It'd be fun to get a group of friends together, have them each bring a pair of flip-flops, get a bunch of embellishments, and have a flip-flop making party!!
these are so fun! thanks for bringing them to my attention, because I can't seem to be without my flip flops either :)
I don't do flip flops - ever, but these are the coolest ones I have ever seen ! They will be gone in a flash !
Very nice....love your toes...!
Your flip-flops are darling. I don't wear flip-flops 'cause I am one on those people that whine about how it hurts between my toes. I live in my Keens in the summer but I miss my boots so much it hurts!!!! Your toe paint is very pretty and nicely girlie-girl!
Those are awesome B, just love them! I'm sure they will sell like hotcakes:
Happy day!
Oh Oh, I am in trouble now. I hope you will be making more. They look fantastic. I am in the process of starting up my blog. Please stop my sometime. Its a work in progress.
These are absolutely wonderful, so cute! Very creative of you to think of making them.
Since I need orthodics, yuck, I can't even consider wearing them, definitely my loss.
So cute.
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