This is our Mama Bunny. She was a rescue that I brought home and 2 weeks later she had 5 little babies.... I had no idea. She was only 7 months old and way too young to be a mama.

Here are the babies at about 5 days old. They are born completely hairless and pink! I found them in the bottom of the litter box one morning when I went outside to clean. Imagine my surprise...WHAT THE HECK?

And here they are about 10 days old. They look like little hamsters at this age. So cute! (Left to right: Bulldog, Digger, Sandie, Ginger and Turbo).
Pile 'O Bunnies... (this is my favorite pic of them)

Getting bigger! At about this age we had them all spayed/neutered. As cute as they were as babies, we definitely didn't want any more!

All grown up now! But they will always be babies...

This picture was taken in the outside "bunny casa" at breakfast time. I like to sit there with my coffee and listen to them crunch their pellets. It's the same scene everyday but I never grow tired of it!
I love your bunnies!! We found a litter that way too. A bunny we had adopted was pregnant and when the girls went to clean out their pen... babies. They came screaming into the house that they had found mice - lol. Little black baby bunnies!! I love the rex bunnies - so soft!!
They are so gorgeous. They look like they are mini rex? Coats like velvet. Thank goodness they were lucky enough to find you. I love every animal that has ever been in my life but working with bunnies and rescue has been the most rewarding. Thank you for keeping all those kids around and thank you for helping Heartland in times of need. Read Haven's story when you get a chance. He is my newest baby.
What neat images! Having bunnies is great! Do you keep them within a fence? And, what are their predators there?
The bunnies are adorable! I wish I could have a dozen, and maybe I will someday. But for now I'm a serial bunny owner. One at a time is as much as I can give proper care and attention to.
WOW, that must have been quite a surprise!! They sure are cute as babies and grown babies :~) They look so cuddly!!
I love the Pile O' Bunnies pic, I just love your bunnies! Heck, I LOVE "Bunny Sunday"!!! I have not a sure idea but we have no wild bunnies where we live. When we lived in the big city burbs we saw them all the time, none here-I miss them.
They are all beautiful and I love when you post pictures of them. I'd love to have a couple but am not taking on any more critters. I've got all I can handle now :)
Thanks for sharing!!!!!
I just love Bunny Sunday.
I saw your headline and rushed right over. I'm a big bunny fan! There is nothing cuter than a baby bunny, although I've only ever seen one in pictures. *sigh* I think they're adorable.
I used to have my bunny cage in my bedroom and I loved listening to my little guy nibble on hay and get settled in for the night. I lulled me to sleep knowing he was happy & content in there. Drove my ex crazy. :o))
I'm adding you to my blog list. I haven't poked around on the rest of your blog, but I know a kindred spirit when I see one. :o)
omg, I LOVE these bunnies! They are so beautiful, and look like they are soft as silk. We have wild bunnies that roam our yard and garden, and we try to plant foods that they love to nibble. What fun, your babies!
Can't get enough of those bunnies !!!! LOVE them !
Hi sweetie!
How cute are they!!!! I didn't know you raised a bunch of bunnies...we have a lot of "wild" bunnies that live in our yard and of course the golf course. So, we love to sit and watch them play!
Thanks for stoppin' by the Yaya! :)
Oh my gosh, they are adorable!!! As babies AND as adults! Momma bunny was so lucky to have found you. Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you're doing for the bunnies!
I can't take any more cuteness!!!!!! ADORABLE :0)
I love them when they are so little with those big ears!
BTW - Your lizard friend - We don't have those here in Kansas - I feel deprived, yet . . . happy.
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