We have a lot of lizards around our place. Small ones, green ones, brown ones, striped ones....
And big fat ones. This is my buddy who comes out into the back courtyard every morning. I can see him while sitting at my desk.

He likes to sit on the gate soaking up the sun...

He has a friend who looks just like him, but that one is missing half of his tail. Wonder what tried to get him? Maybe one of the neighbors' barn cats. I'm glad he escaped!

This guy seems to have a routine, he comes out at the same time every morning and then goes back to his hideout under the patio. I should name him. Anyone have any suggestions?
Wow! That's one BIG lizard! I love lizards and we do have them around here, especially in our woods, but ours are teeny tiny compared to yours! Hmmm...I'm gonna be really original and suggest "Larry the Lizard". I always like using alliteration for critter names! ;) How fun that he visits each morning. I just love "kritter kompanionship". Hey, that would make a fun post title! Now, I just gotta round me up some kritters!
That would be kinda cool to have lizards like that hanging around. Although, I don't know how my cats and dogs would react to them! They already try to eat the squirrels and chipmunks.
I think you should name them!
Izzy!!!! of course!!!
How about after your title.....Buddy?
We have lizards in the woods around here and blue tailed skinks around the house. When they (the skinks) lose their tale, they grow back. I wonder if the lizard's tail grows back too?
He is a big lizard. Maybe Leo
That is one cool lizard .
Is it a he or she ?
I love the fact that these little critters have such organized lives.
We had them until we moved to town and I certainly misss watching them.
I knew the time of day by their routine .
Blessings to you sweetie.
Have an awesome weekend.
Hope you do give this cute chubby lizard a name .
Happy Trails
Awwww....I love lizards - does he do push ups!!!?? Cracks me up when they do that!! Sarah
Not only is he big, he's got the prettiest blue tummy!
Can't think of a name but it's so neat that he visits every day.
I am thinking it is a girly-girl lizard and I am into alliteration too so...Lizzie. We have a lotta lizards here too but they are no where near the size of your Buddy!
I think "hombre" would be a good name. Looks like he has an attitude.
He looks like a "REX" to me!!
Or... Iggy the Iguana! We had a small pet lizard named Igbert, and we called him Iggy for short. :)
Buzz. That is his name.
How cool to have resident lizards!
How about "Sunny" for a name!
Joe said, Golum
I say, Ted
He's huge, you could work him in the round pen!
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! I think I'll use them all alternately... or maybe all in a string...kind of like when your mom would yell at you but run through all your siblings names' and the family dog, too.
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That big guy looks like a Chuckawalla lizard to me...not a scientific name but that's what my uncle called them out here in the high desert of Nevada. You could call him Chucky, or Wally?!
Love your pics and posts, they always bring a smile to my face!
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