My Silent Sunday pic from yesterday was snapped a few weeks back in our barn. One of the neighbor's barn cats (we don't have any) decided she would have her babies in OUR barn. We discovered them when they were days old and didn't bother the mama so that she would not move them.
Well, Saturday afternoon I went into the barn and heard mewing. I peeked in where the kitties are at and there was ONLY ONE little whitish gray kitty back there. The rest were gone. And so was the mama cat. I went back into the house for a bit hoping that she was going to come back for this little kitty. Several times over the next few hours I went out to check and the kitty was still there. It was getting late in the evening, so I decided to take the kitty inside.
She promptly made herself comfortable....

And off to the pet store we went to get kitten milk formula...

I just found your blog from your Etsy site. It will be a new favorite of mine. I grew up in the city but always envied my mom's childhood on the ranch. This post is too cute.
P.S.(I'll get some of that jewelry as soon as I can make up my mind!)
If you decide to keep her? Heh Heh, congratulations on your new kitty.
she is very beautiful!
wishing her good health!
Oh, who could leave such a sweet little thing!
She is just precious!!!
Hi there - came over from link on Lynn's Lovelies!! We found two abandoned kitties in our greenhouse last winter - my daughter took them home and bottle fed them - they think she is their mom and the kids are their siblings - really - and they have such awesome personalities (or would that be purr-sonalities??) Might think about keeping her precious self!! Anyway, just had to comment - good luck!! Blessings, Marji
Oh,little Yoda is so adorable!
awwww - she is so sweet and will be gorgeous. You know you'll end up keeping her so just give in how - hehehe!!
Oh it does look like Yoda! And so cute! I would have a hard time giving it up especially after having to bottle feed it. Sad the momma just left it. I wonder why she would do that...Good luck!
OH I just love that baby--I have had my share of Momma cats and litters that i raised and found homes for and got the momma's fixed--and I have even had to feed the tiny ones at times--OH HOW I MISS DOING THAT!! but where I live now you can't have but one cat or one dog--and right now I do not any--am looking for a small dog, this time I think??? And i just love rabbits--would love to raise the mini ones--maybe some day??? Well take care and I will be back to check on your site and the baby!
Just, Di in NY state
Oh my goodness gracious she is the most precious thing! awwwwwww!
Adorable kitten. Love your blog and your jewellery is beautiful have added you to my favourites and will keep looking in :))
By that will not be able to part with Yoda! And she looks like she belongs to you!!!
Sorry mamma cat,your kitten has found you.
She is precious and I think she has chosen her humans;)
OMG What a cute little baby. Are you sure you will be able to part with her after being MOM to her?
What a sassy looking cutie pie! :)
Oh gosh, that is so cute and yes, sure does look like a little Yoda - perfect name!
LOL ...if you keep her - what's her new name. She is darling. I had a dog that did that once. She had pups and when they were big enough,(we intended to give them away) she went around to the neighbors and left them all a pup!!! After tracking them all down and offering to take them back, we only got one back - lol. She was given to a friend too.
Awww, poor little kitty was abandoned. Looks like she has found a good home. After all the bottle feeding, you'll be attached. Yoda is perfect!
Oh my gosh, she is TOO precious! I wonder why the mama left her? Maybe she thought she was ill? Apparently she is doing well under your great care. What a blessing you found her. I think you should keep her! She will be bonded to you in a special way after you've been feeding her! ;)
Well, Jedi master, I believe Yoda is home.
What a cutie-patooty !
Oh, sweet baby - I'm not a cat lover, but I am a kitty lover!!
Awwww,how can mom leave that one behind... a cutie?! Adorable!
I'm not too fond of Cats but kittens are cute. This one looks like a keeper.
Hi, I popped over from Phyllis' "Crumbs of Happines". I saw ths pic of this beautiful sweet little kitty and just had to read on.
Love your blog~ and the Dale Evans quote about Cowgirls!
So did you name your new kitty Yoda? Lol...
What a darling little cat and how blessed she is to have you caring for her! I LOVE your bunnies! We always had bunnies for our children when they were growing up and the Mama was named Ginger!!!
Now you gotta keep her, she is just too darn adorable!! Blessings, Janna
What a gorgeous little kitten - of course you just HAVE to keep her ! She's lucky to have found you ... I do wonder what happened to the mother cat and all the other babies ?
Now listen, all of you kitty-lovers trying to convince "Heart of a Cowgirl" that she should keep Yoda Lil Boots...I'm the new adoptive mom, and she will be in good hands - rest assured. I am taking custody on Friday (24 Apr) and taking her to the vet before I introduce her to my other cats, one of which will be a mama to her. I won't believe she's giving up baby Yoda until I have her fuzzy body in my hands, and you guys aren't helping!! (Ha ha!) I've said all the same things myself about getting so attached that she won't give her up, etc. However, just like human moms who give up their babies for selfless reasons, Yoda will be much safer at my house. We are cat people - even just celebrated my little black cat's 1st birthday - and we don't live out in the boonies with all of the wildlife that prey on cute, baby kitties. We even have a motion sensor cat door to the litter boxes in the garage! She won't be big enough for that just yet, but given time she will get the hang of it. It's an 'open' adoption, so her 'real' parents can come visit whenever they want.
How darling! We had baby rabbits that were born in our hay shed, they were there for a few weeks, then I think the momma moved them. Wouldn't you know it, the day I took the camera out there, they were gone.
Hope the kitty stays well!
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