Rabbit Muse has a post on her blog today - Just Say No to the Easter Bunny. She provided some great info and I wanted to spread the message and add some of my own insight.

Every year right before Easter you start seeing ads for baby bunnies for sale... And every year shortly after Easter you start seeing ads for "free bunnies" or worse yet, you start seeing domestic bunnies dumped on the side of the road.
Make Mine Chocolate has a simple message: buy a chocolate bunny this Easter instead of a live one!
I have personal experience with this. Patches was an "Easter bunny".

I'm sure she was little when she was purchased from a pet store right before Easter. Several months later, when the novelty wore off for the people who purchased her, she weighed about 5 lbs. (When I responded to their ad, they said "she got big"). DUH. They had her in a hamster cage and she could barely turn around! Now she weighs in at 10 lbs. I bet the pet store sold her as a mini-lop, too, which she clearly isn't.

My message this Easter: If you really want a bunny, adopt one from a rescue and love them their whole lives!
Happy Easter every bunny!
Great message! I'm going to pass it on
I'm with you there!! We live in an area that has clear seasons. Winter here is serious often below zero for several weeks. We have outdoor bunnies - in the Fall they head to their garage digs with heat lamps and lots of clean hay. In the warmer seasons they have a bunnie condo in the shade with frozen pop bottles to snuggle up to daily when it's very hot!! They are not toys, they are pets just like our dog and cat! We adore them!
Excellent reminder. I didn't realize they could live ten years! I'm very surprised.
Great message for bunnies and other animals! Animals should always been considered a long term commitment and not bought on a whim and there are rescue organizations for all types of animals.
I love your rabbit, what a sweetheart! I've had housebroken rabbits before, they are really great pets, but yes, yours is not a mini lop, lol. I think they're still adorable even grown up, but I'm pretty sure my dogs would consider it great sport. I can't have that!
Love the post though and I'm with you. Make mine chocolate!
Rabbits are indeed long lived - up to 14 years! and they are very social beings who require love, attention and interaction daily on their terms.
thanks of helping raise the awareness of NOT purchasing a rabbit at this time of year!
I don't understand people sometimes. My pets are part of the family and I know when I get them that I will have them for life. Unfortunately not everyone is a responsible pet owner. Great post!
Patches is adorable. He looks very loved.
can you litter train a rabit??? I think I heard that you can. I really would love to have one snuggled up with me at night!!!
Desert Rose - yes, you sure can train them to use the litter box. I line ours with newpaper and then fill with Bermuda hay (they need hay everyday)...they eat from one end and do their business at the other. Works out great and since we have a barn full of hay, cheap!
Thank you! It blows my mind in today's world we still have to be reminded of the awful abuse that goes on. Great post! I'll be sharing it.
Oh, that's so sad....truly people dump rabbits too? What a cutie! My father-in-law use to have a bunch of rabbits that he sold to 4-H kids....he was the leader for a while. He had mini lops and dwarfs. They were so cute! Now we just have the empty rabbit barn to store our junk in since we live on their old farm. Interesting and very appropriate post for this time of year! Thanks! Luanne
Good message! I absolutely hate when people do this with ANY animal. These people should never even be allowed to have pets.
When I was young we had numerous rabbits. I think when they had babies we would just keep the babies. If I remember correctly we had a hard time getting rid of any animal that came our way, once it came to live with us it had a home for life, I believe that is why I am the way I am today, my pets will be with me forever!
Patches is an "Easter Bunny" through and through! Looks so cuddly and warm.
Great post! Love your bunnies, I don't know what my dogs would think of a bunny. Your bunny is bigger than my two little indoor dogs. Maybe the bunny would chase them? LOL
For now I'll take a chocolate bunny for Easter, maybe someday I can have a house bunny.
Awesome post and a fabulous reminder!!
I hear you loud & clear and completely agree!
Great message I agree wholeheartedly, love Patches, glad the bunny found you,Lindax
Nice message! Our bunny Cinnamon Buns who is a lop girl that never decided she should keep her ears down appreciates your efforts:) I love your jewelry!
Great idea, I'm glad you rescued Patches. Strange question, do you think many people really give bunnies for Easter? I've never known anyone with kids that has done that. Maybe I just know a lot of smart parents that understand the responsibility of owning and committing to a pet!
Chocolate and Webkin bunnies are the way to go! (have you heard of Webkins? Pretend online pets? Parents could give one of those for Easter.)
As a person who spends much time at my local rabbit rescue and is the proud mom of 5 sweet bunnies. Thank you for the message. I have written letters and boycotted several stores when they decide to sell Easter bunnies. And yes, Pony Girl many many people give bunnies and chicks as Easter gifts. It is a tragedy. Chicks are often squeezed to death and bunnies are discarded as easily as trash. A very important message for everyone as well. DO NOT EVER ADVERTISE YOUR PETS AS "FREE TO A GOOD HOME" Lab collectors and snake owners love free bunnies, hamsters, kittens and small puppies. Be very careful when rehoming a pet.
and so very right you are sister.
God Bless and have a Great EASTER
I love your rabbit! How cute is that--to cuddle with a big bunny! My heart breaks for all discarded/abused/neglected animals.
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