Yes, he is really is (will be in March) 32! It is amazing, because even though he is very gray in the face, has lost a lot of muscle (and teeth) and creaks and pops when he walks, I still ride him on a regular basis. Usually I just put the bareback pad on him and go for a short ride. He loves to get out and has so much energy you would think he was 10! He is the boss of the other horses (and us) and pretty much rules this place!

Phoenix was my first horse and I bought him 7 years ago. I had never had horses before or really even been around them much, but always loved them. He was a very young 25 when I bought him and cost me a whole $500. Pretty funny. He has been worth every penny and much, much more. Really, he taught me the ropes and tested me at every turn. I wouldn't give him up for anything.
I researched his owners through the Department of Agriculture all the way back to when he was first sold as a 9 month old. (he was foaled in March 1977) Prior to me buying him, he had about 8 different owners. This guy is quite the character, so I thought if anyone had owned him for any length of time, they'd want to know he was still around. I contacted some people who owned him from about age 8 to 16. I sent a few pics with a letter and received a message back from them a few weeks later and finally talked to them on the phone. The man and his wife that owned him were so excited to hear he was still around. Turns out they live up in Phoenix (about 2 hours from me) and they actually came down one weekend to visit him. When they owned him, his name was Stonewall Jackson (they called him Stoney). It had been about 15 years since they had last seen him. They took pictures and visited all afternoon and we swapped stories about his antics.

What a beautiful boy he is!!! And going to be 32!!!?? He sure doesn't look it, what a sweetheart to be so kind to children, my second horse was like that. A kid could swing on her tail, crawl around her legs, she would not move. I hope you have many, many more years with this handsome guy!
Wow!! Thank you for sharing that - I wondered about him!! I often wonder about my old horses. He is darling. How wonderful of you to contact the old owners!!
What a great story. Love those old guys, he looks like he has lots of years left. We have a 42 year old appy here and he is a character too.
What a great story; he is so handsome and I hope you have him around for many more years.
What a sweet old boy! Gotta love him!
He is still so handsome, I love those perky ears! I'm glad you are still giving him a spoiled, purposeful life. I plan to keep My Boy until the end, I really have no choice as I can only afford one horse at a time and I could never part with my spotted stinker. So I hope he remains rideable like Phoenix, too! Well then, I at least can't get another horse until I marry my cowboy, LOL!
That is so great. My uncle had a horse that all of us cousins rode while we were growing up. And old ornery palomino, named Scotch. But as he got older he got better. Last I knew he was still kicking and was about 36, although almost blind and couldn't eat much anymore because of bad teeth. You'll miss Phoenix when he's gone. Treasure him.
Well he just looks great! It's hard to keep those old ones fat with there teeth sometimes but you are not having any trouble in that department! Great story and I bet you have a ton of memories with him! enjoy!! :)
Wonderful wonderful post! Like the Neil Young song goes - Long may you run!
Wow, almost as old as me.
I don't know what the life expectancy of horses are but it sounds awesome that he is still around and somebody loves him.
What a sweetheart! He's a cutie too. I know he has a wonderful life there.
Great story!!! You were so smart in getting a seasoned horse for your first horse...good job.
He looks wonderful and it looks like he'll be around for many more fun filled years!
What a beautiful story and a beautiful friend :-D He WILL live to 40 with a friend like you!!
Hi there HOAC, nice to meet ya! I followed you over from a comment you left on my blog and since I have some spare time I caught up on your whole blog :)
Its awesome that you're giving your old guy a retirement, my old girl (Cessa) is 28 this year and I still ride her... although not very often. I'm planning on letting my niece try her out, learn some basics on her and see if she wants to take lessons.
Love your stuff too, quick question about the cuffs - how big are they? Sometimes I buy stuff like that and it ends up being too tight.
Tag you're it! Check out my blog to play! :-)
Oh wow B, I got goosebumps reading this, especially the part of the prior owners coming down to see him! Beautiful post!
He is a jewel! I would give my eye teeth for a horse like him.
He is so handsome!
I enjoyed your blog.
Am sitting here wondering how come I haven't found you before! Hi fellow Arizonian!
I gotta say, I have an old man too, he's only 25, but he looks remarkably like yours! He's usually on my porch. I would say he's wonderful but this morning he bucked with my child, so today he's on the bad kid list. Tomorrow we'll back to normal I hope...
Love your blog, added you to the blogroll, so c'mon over!
Give the old guy a hug for me. My first horse was an older gelding too. Can't love them enough for their generous spirits, wise & wily ways. He is still so cute.
By the way Jane tagged you & me ! If she hadn't gotten you I was going to !
Oh, and yes those six dogs in the picture are my rescue dogs, my family. The bunny { Touche' is now in bunny heaven} I did a post about him a few weeks ago on my blog. A few words to describe him - he stole my heart, and has it still.
Loved this post.
Our Pony Cousin had 2 horses live to be 39...and one had no teeth. With tender loving care they can be around a long time!
Still going strong at 32, that's pretty cool! He sounds like the perfect horse for a beginner, I'm glad you two found each other.
Great story; love that you tracked down his previous owners. Those senior citizens are the best ones for a first horse and for kids to learn on.
Oh! I just loved reading about your wonderful, handsome Phoenix. What a very special first horse he's been for you :)
I'm grinning so hard right now. This was the first post I commented on, on your blog, because they do look so much alike. How totally crazy!!
I love that we're both able to reunite old owners :) That's the best :)
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