Taking their mid-morning naps in the sun.... Phoenix (the old guy) is on the left and Piper (the baby) is on the right.
Close up of Phoenix: (makes me want to go take a nap in the sun myself)
We call him the old guy because in March he will be 32 YEARS OLD! Yep, he's an oldie. But a goodie. He was my first horse. I read a quote on another blog: "No horse will ever teach you as much as your first horse". True statement there. (He kind of looks like a beached whale here. That's his winter grain belly. What can I say? He's old, so we spoil him.)

And the baby, is Piper. She will be 2 in May. She can lay in this position FOR HOURS on end. I have gotten scared before, seeing her in the same position for so long, and gone out and made her get up!
Babies and old guys need lots of rest...
I love it when horses feel relaxed enough to take long naps like this, but that's not to say it doesn't scare the heck out of me! When mine "play dead" for more than 20 minutes, I find myself going outside just to check.
Wow 32!! He is an old man!! Looks like he's happy and healthy!! Your first is the best think - I agree you learn the most the first time around. Funny men are like that too!!
I always want to sneak up on them to lay me head on the fat warm tummy. Never works though, I'm not sneaky enough, so I let her nap.
When I was little, I remeber seeing a neighbor's horse just lying on their lawn and I thought it was dead! My uncle had to check to reassure me that it wasn't. :)
It sure makes me feel warm and cozy looking at them, which is nice being it is -9 here with a -20 windchill. Brrr!
I always thought horses only laid down like that when they were sick. Glad to know even they enjoy a nap.
Great photos! We have a old man that is 26 years old, almost 27 that suns like that. He lays so still, I have gone out several times to check on him! He loves he sunning! He too is spoiled here.
Great pics! First time to stop by, will be back!
Really??? 32??? He deserves to be spoiled...and take lots of naps in the sun ;~) They both look so content...not a care in the world; except when dinner is!
Cute post. I know those babies need that sleep...they are growin'! Funny, I never see my horse sleep. I'm lucky to see him even lay down! He's a stander.
32 seems pretty old, but, Phoenix is obviously well-taken care of! And rightfully spoiled with the grain belly and all. ;) So, at what age did he come into your life?
32 years old?! My goodness, what a trooper! Love seeing the pics of your 'kids' - so adorable!
How relaxing! AAhhh, the sun shinning down, a cool breeze zippinb by. If I was a 32 year old amazing horse, I would do just that ;-)
lol! Ain't that the truth, even if it is for different reasons. One because they're growing still, and for the other because the old body gets tired and needs a break :)
Your horses seem so relaxed and happy.
I love seeing my mare sleeping out in her paddock, too. She curls up like a little cat. It's so darn cute!
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