My garden is loving the warmer temps. The strawberry plants from last year are already green with lots of new growth and some blossoms. I think I even see some little green strawberries on there.
I also have lots of herbs coming back from last year, too. The bunnies prefer garden fresh greens, thank you very much. Mint, thyme, catnip, rosemary, basil, oregano, cilantro, parsley... all make for a great bunny salad bar.
I need to finish adding new soil to the big raised bed and then I can get the tomatos, jalapenos, bell peppers, onions, watermelon and other yummy things planted.
There's just something about planting and tending a garden. I really look forward to it every spring. In the end, it might work out cheaper to buy produce from the grocery store, but where's the fun in that???