My garden is loving the warmer temps. The strawberry plants from last year are already green with lots of new growth and some blossoms. I think I even see some little green strawberries on there.
I also have lots of herbs coming back from last year, too. The bunnies prefer garden fresh greens, thank you very much. Mint, thyme, catnip, rosemary, basil, oregano, cilantro, parsley... all make for a great bunny salad bar.
I need to finish adding new soil to the big raised bed and then I can get the tomatos, jalapenos, bell peppers, onions, watermelon and other yummy things planted.
There's just something about planting and tending a garden. I really look forward to it every spring. In the end, it might work out cheaper to buy produce from the grocery store, but where's the fun in that???
87 degrees sounds nice, I can't wait to head to Phoenix in a few weeks and experience a little bit of warmth for myself!
Man am I jealous!!! It's still in the 40's and windy in NY!!! At least it stopped raining today.
Thats so true, digging into the soil is so good for us, I wonder if we all helped to create this earth? I can't believe how warm it is there...we are supposed to get snow today and it has been so windy I was sure my house was going to take off! Come say hi :D
It was 89 here today. I love it. I have spent the last 3 days working in the flower beds, weeding and hauling dirt to build them up. I hope we dont get a frost but I planted all my flowers so far in pots and I can always move them into the garage if we get a cold snap. We will do the herbs in a couple more weeks. Woohoo, come on Summer!
I'm a terrible gardener. Thank goodness David is good at the yard work. I like to design the layout. If I had to keep up with everything, it would be ugly. :(
Guess that's why I like stitching a garden cause it's always pretty. ;)
87!!! Grrr why I outta!
It's supposed to be 78 here tomorrow. I know a certain hairy, dirty, white horse thats getting somewhat of a bath. At least her legs and tail.
Bridget that's so very sad to hear about Bandit.
I've read your posts and just found out. Seems that little Cactus Rose was sent to you :) to help fill the space in your heart.
Thank you for posting about rabbits and Easter time too and for helping the buns at Heartland.
warm wishes, Annette
As I read this I briefly glanced out of my window to see that it's snowing here. :P
We were 84 yesterday.
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