Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bunny Sunday

Today Daisy and Turbo had a "meet and greet" out in the courtyard.  It makes me sad that Daisy doesn't have a buddy to snuggle up with and I thought since Turbo is the littlest of the other five buns and the lowest in the pecking order, that she would be open to making friends with Daisy.

It looked promising...
at first...
But then Turbo started chasing her and grunting and even took a little tuft of fur off Daisy's butt.

She looks so sweet and innocent... little booger!
Poor Daisy, she just didn't understand why Turbo didn't want to be her friend.  :( 
We'll try again another day. I'm thinking maybe another bun, either Digger or Ginger.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Happy Bunny Sunday to you all!


Christina said...

It can be tough making friends sometimes Daisy. Hang in there!

Jade said...

Poor Daisy! Sometimes the "low bun on the totem pole" feels the need to boss somebunny around because she gets bossed around herself. Perhaps a bun in the middle of the pack might be a more tolerant companion?

Heart of a Cowgirl said...

Thanks Jade, kinda what I was thinking, too. Ginger is the middle bun on the totem pole and Diggy is one up from him, so we'll see. Also, I do need to get Daisy in for her spay surgery and that will probably help matters, I'm hoping.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Oh how can anybun not want to be friends with Daisy, she's adorable!

Weekend Cowgirl said...

Oh poor Daisy. She is so cute! They better get their act together and be her friend....

Melody said...

Awwww, Daisy. I've got fingers crossed you'll make a new friend soon.

Lisa said...

:-/ My Daisy was actually the bully of the dates!!! From what I hear the spay + 1 month for hormones to subside should help. I know my rescue won't even attempt a speed date before that. I'm rooting for you, Daisy!